Dr. Shamik Misra

Assistant Professor Office Room No : AB2 212 Tell (O) : 0877 250 Email Id : misra@iittp.ac.in Personal Webpage : Click Here ![]() |
- B.Tech. (Chemical Engineering): Heritage Institute of Technology, Kolkata (2007 – 2011)
- M.Tech. (Chemical Engineering): Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati (2011 – 2013)
- Ph.D. (Chemical Engineering): Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (2014 – 2019)
Professional Experience:
- Senior Research Fellow: Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati (Aug 2013 – Jun 2014)
- Post-Doctoral Research Associate: University of Wisconsin Madison (Jul 2019-Aug 2021)
- Post-Doctoral Research Associate: Princeton University (Aug 2019-Oct 2021)
- Assistant Professor: Indian Institute of Technology Tirupati (Nov 2021 onwards)
- Award for Excellence in Ph.D. Research (Awarded for outstanding research contributions for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy from the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay for the year 2017-2019.)
- R. G. Manudhane Ph.D. Student Excellence Award (Awarded for the most outstanding Ph.D. Thesis of all the students who completed the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Chemical Engineering for the year 2018-2019.)
- Project Title: Optimization-based framework for synthesis and analysis of algal biomass utilization pathways. Funding Agency: New Faculty Start-up Grant (NFSG) by Indian Institute of Technology Tirupati. Grant Value (in INR): 20 lakhs.
Major Areas of Interest:
- Process Systems Engineering
- Energy and Environment
Other Areas of Interest:
- Water distribution network
- Packaged gas network design
- Integration of supply and demand side management
- Renewable energy generation and smart grids
- Biofuels
- Techno-economic analysis
- Life cycle analysis
- Process modeling and simulation.

For a detailed description of the group’s research, please check the personal webpage: Link.
Refereed Journal Publications:
- Misra S., Buttazoni LR., Avadiappan V., Lee H., Yang M., Maravelias C.T., CProS: A Web Based Application for Chemical Production Scheduling, Computers & Chemical Engineering, 164, 107895, 2022.
- Perez J.M.*, Sener C.*, Misra S.*, Umana G.E., Coplien C.,Haak D., Li Y., Maravelias C.T., Karlen S.D., Ralph J, Donohue T.J., Noguera D.R., “Integrating lignin depolymerization with microbial funneling processes using agronomically relevant feedstocks” Green Chemistry. 24 (7), 2795-2811, 2022.
- Misra S., Pravin P.S., Gudi R.D.,Bhartiya S., “Integration of Supply and Demand Side Management using Renewable Power Sources : Application on an Air Separation Plant” Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 60(9), 3670-3686, 2021.
- Misra S., Kapadi M., Gudi R.D., “Hybrid Time-Based Framework for Maritime Inventory Routing Problem” Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 59(46), 20394-20409, 2020.
- Misra S., Kapadi M., Gudi R.D. “A Multi Grid Discrete Time-Based Framework for Maritime Distribution Logistics & Inventory Planning for Refinery Products” Computers & Industrial Engineering,106568, 2020.
- Maheshwari A.*, Misra S.*, Gudi R.D., Subbiah S.,“A Short-Term Planning Framework for the Operation of Tanker-Based Water Distribution Systems in Urban Areas.” Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 59(20), 9575-9592, 2020.
- Pravin P.S., Misra S., Bhartiya S., Gudi R.D., “A Reactive Scheduling and Control Framework for Integration of Renewable Energy Sources with a Reformer-based Fuel Cell System and an Energy Storage Device.” Journal of Process Control. 87, 147-165, 2020.
- Misra S., Kapadi M., Gudi R.D., Saxena D., “Resource Optimization & Inventory Routing of Packaged Liquefied Gas Supply Chain.” Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 58(18), 7579-7592, 2019.
- Misra S., Saxena D., Kapadi M., Gudi R.D., Srihari R. “Short Term Planning Framework for Enterprise-wide Production & Distribution Network of A Cryogenic Air Separation Industry.” Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 57(49), 16841-16861, 2018.
- Misra S., Saxena D., Kapadi M., Gudi R.D., Srihari R. “Enclave Optimization: A Novel Multi Plant Production Scheduling Approach For Cryogenic Air Separation Plants”, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 57(15), 5301-5322, 2018.
- Misra S., Kapadi M., Gudi R.D., Srihari R. “Energy-Efficient Production Scheduling of a Cryogenic Air Separation Plant.” Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 56(15), 4399-4414, 2017.
- Misra S., Reddy R., Saha P., “Model Predictive Control of Resonant Systems Using Kautz Model.” International Journal of Automation and Computing, 13(5), 501-505, 2016.
- Muthuraj M., Palabhanvi B., Misra S., Kumar V., Sivalingavasu K., and Das D.“Flux balance analysis of Chlorella sp. FC2 IITG under photoautotrophic and heterotrophic growth conditions.” Photosynthesis Research,118(1-2), 167-79, 2013.
Refereed Conference Publications:
- Maheshwari A., Misra S., Gudi R.D., Subbiah S., Laspidou C., “Stochastic Optimization Model for Short-term Planning of Tanker Water Supply Systems in Urban Areas”, IFAC-PapersOnLine, 55(7), 464-469,2022.
- Pravin P.S.,Misra S., Bhartiya S., Gudi R.D. “Advanced control of a reformer based fuel cell system coupled with multiple, uncertain renewable energy sources and an energy storage system”, IFACPapersOnLine, 53(1), 374-379,2020, in 6th International Conference on Advances in Control & Optimization of Dynamical Systems (ACODS 2020).
- Misra S., Kapadi M., Gudi R.D. “Resource Utilization & Supply Chain Optimization for Liquefied Gaseous Products.”, Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 44, 1579-1584, 2018, in 13th International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering (PSE 2018).
- Misra S., Gudi R.D.“Integration of Scheduling & Control for Sequential Batch Processes: An Iterative Approach”, IFAC-PapersOnLine, 51(1), 84-89, 2018, in 5th International Conference on Advances in Control & Optimization of Dynamical Systems (ACODS 2018).
- Misra S., Kapadi M., Gudi R.D., Srihari R. “Production Scheduling of an Air Separation Plant.” IFAC-PapersOnLine, 49(7), 675 – 680, 2016, in 11th IFAC Symposium on Dynamics and Control of Process Systems Including Biosystems (DYCOPS-CAB 2016).
Ph.D. Scholars:
- Kumari Sudhir: Supply Chain Optimization.
Former Undergraduate Project Students:
- Dhyaan Sandeep Nayak: EV Battery Swapping-Charging Network.
- Kora Sagar Babu: Scheduling of Wastewater Treatment Facility.
- Tusshar Pandey: Scheduling of Batch Water Network.